

8th Day

Fourth floor

I walked for a while before I suddenly stopped. Why weren’t there any rooms in the entire corridor? I turned around just to see that behind me, from where I had only walked seconds ago, there was complete darkness. Like that of a void. 

The Mukherjees’ new house

Apparently those days, for no reason, their pet dog always jumped up and down when it was in a particular room, growling and barking up at the ceiling. Though there seemed to be no one in the room, the pet dog stared at the wall as though someone were standing beside it. 

The running tap

She decided to get up and turn off the tap. Again, that is. Because she remembers turning it off properly before going to bed.

Nightly wish

Dreams, or rather unsettling nightmares, disturb me and jolt me out of slumber. I was panting and breathing heavily.

Of rain and roses

“Every season has its own distinct scent,” says Krishnaraj Iyengar, our contributor, who is a connoisseur of perfumes and a perfumer himself

Braille-ing the Constitution

The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) in Kolkata unveiled the Braille version of the Constitution of India this week, marking a milestone in advancing inclusivity and accessibility within the sphere of legal education and the legal profession.

A rainy revelry of scents

To beat the monsoon blues, KRISHNARAJ IYENGAR takes off on an off-beat olfactory picnic around Mumbai.

The cradle of memories

I hope this letter finds you in good health. It has been a while since I saw your face. I have no complaints; I know we are oceans apart, and to frequent me will be quite troublesome. So, I send this letter in my stead, for you to read it at your leisure. 


Underneath the beautiful facade of the shimmering night, there are the people who walk the streets with the stealth of a tiger and a vision submerged in red.