

Home remedies

Struggling with Acne? Try These Home Remedies

Common areas of the skin affected by acne include shoulders, face, neck, back, chest, and upper arms. Apart from pimples, acne is also characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and pimples.

Homemade Hair Masks to Get Rid of Dandruff & a Flaky Scalp

Overuse of hairstyling products can sometimes cause a clogged scalp, which can lead to dandruff. A baking soda hair pack may be useful for removing product build-up. Baking soda also acts as an antiseptic. Combine it with eggs and olive oil to avoid over-drying your hair.

Boost your iron levels with these natural remedies

Haem iron and non-haem iron are the two kinds of iron. The former can be obtained from animal food sources, while the latter can be obtained from both plants and animals. Of the two, haem iron is easier to absorb in the body.

Piles pain is irritating you? Try out these remedies

Constipation and obesity are the major reasons that cause piles. Others include standing or sitting for long hours, heredity, weakening of body tissues and mental stress. Weight gain during pregnancy can also aggravate piles.

Treat your anemia at home with these natural ways

There are various types of anemia that generally happen when the hemoglobin level in the body goes down. Hemoglobin is a protein present in the red blood cells, which carries oxygen to the various parts of the body.

How to treat athlete’s foot at home?

The tannic acid in tea acts as a natural astringent that helps dry out sweaty feet. Dip four to five tea bags in one litre of boiling water for about five minutes. Once it gets to room temperature, soak your feet in it for about 30 minutes.