

5th All India Inter-Varsity Gatka Championship in Jalandhar from 4 May

They informed that information notices have already been sent to all universities in the country for sending their entries regarding

5th All India Inter-Varsity Gatka Championship in Jalandhar from 4 May

Photo: SNS

The 5th All India Inter-University Gatka (Men and Women) Championship 2021-22 is being organised from 4 May to 7 May at Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Khiala, Jalandhar.

Disclosing this on Tuesday, National Gatka Association of India (NGAI) president Harjeet Singh Grewal, and director sports of the university, Pritam Singh said as per the directions of
Association of Indian Universities (AIU), this inter-university tournament is being held for the third time at Sant Baba Bhag Singh University.

They informed that information notices have already been sent to all universities in the country for sending their entries regarding the participation of Gatka teams in the competition of Gatka Single Soti and Farrie-Soti (Individual and Team Events).


Grewal and Singh appealed to the directors sports of all the Indian universities and national educational institutes deemed to be universities, to send the entries of their university Gatka teams (Men and Women) at the university email sportssbbsu@gmail.com by 30 April.

Gatka promoter Grewal and Singh said the competition draws of all the teams would be held on 2 May while the men’s Gatka teams of different universities would compete on 4 May and 5 May. Similarly, on 6 May and 7 May, there will be competitions for women’s Gatka teams of different universities.

They further informed that a day before the said tournaments, there would be meetings of team managers of various Gatka teams, in which instructions would be given regarding the participation of teams, NGAI Gatka rules and discipline of tournament.
