


Counsel and guide the parents, too!

One certainly does not need to reiterate the fact that even in the 21st century,  talking about sex is considered a ’taboo’ in Indian society.  Many parents, even at this age, do not deem it fit to have ‘the talk’ when their children are coming of age.

Rotary District Governor Alok Gupta inaugurates Project Umang

The project has been executed by the Rotary Club of Delhi Imperial and District 3012 in partnership with the Rotary Club of Sao Paulo, Butanta and Districts 4563 & 462 along with CSR funds from Utsah Engineering Pvt. Ltd. and project support by Pathways Schools.

Snapdeal launches Holi e-store

The store is designed for easy shopping experience and lists products in three main categories including top sellers, party essentials and home care products.