


Competitive legitimacy

Countries have finite resources and infinite concerns to support. This necessitates prioritizing those concerns with maximum impact, stakes, and moral imperatives.

In deep crisis, our world is faltering

Nearly 300 million people worldwide need urgent humanitarian help this year but all indications are that a majority of them may not be able to get it, or else may get only a small part of what is needed.

Crisis in Israel

“The Jewish identity of the State of Israel is our right to exist here,” Ms Silman has been quoted as saying by The Jerusalem Post. “Injury [to that] without any regard for the public and for the values I represent, is a red line for me.”

Gota, go! Crisis unites Lankans

The suffering masses took to the streets with a single slogan, never before articulated against any head of state of this country. And in this desperation, the slogans arising from hunger, weariness, and helpless resentment were blind to all the differences between the communities, their collective frustration bringing them together as no lavishly foreign funded NGOs and INGOs could achieve for the last 10 years after the war.

Defence Expo postponed

Nearly 70 countries were expected to participate in the event, which is aimed at building upon the vision to achieve self-reliance in the defence sector. The theme of the Defence Expo 2022 was ‘India - The Emerging Defence Manufacturing Hub’.