


India Vs Bharat

‘Argumentative India’ seems to have risen up to debate inter alia a relatively unimportant and settled issue raised by a section of people, although the issue has both national and international repercussions.

A Case for Bharat

India currently stands at a critical juncture, faced with a momentous decision: to either follow the path of destiny or forge a future guided by its dreams.

Freedom to Hope

 The thickening forest of uplifted arms demanding Azadi threatens, like in Shakespeare's Macbeth, the castle of the Indian democracy.

Call for Bharat Bandh against Agnipath scheme

According to Northern Railways, a total of 18 East-bound train services scheduled from different Northern Railway terminals have been cancelled today, and as many as 71 Delhi area-bound commuter trains (including return services) have also been dismissed for today in the wake of the protests against the Centre's Agnipath recruitment scheme.