

United Kingdom

Deportation Dilemma

Immigration and asylum test the delicate balance between humanitarian concerns and national sovereignty. The discussions between the United Kingdom and Rwanda regarding the deportation of asylum seekers casts a stark light on the conundrum.

Sunak’s challenge

The United Kingdom’s migration strategy has taken an unexpected twist, placing Rwanda at the centre of a controversial drama.


When a single piece of faulty data can bring operations of one of the world’s busiest air transportation systems to…

An English Rishi

The challenges, both internal and external, before Mr Sunak are enormous. The approval ratings for the Conservative party are at a historic low of 22 per cent, despite the landslide victory in the 2019 General Elections. Even within the Conservative party, the majority may not root for Mr Sunak, as demonstrated in his face-off with Liz Truss, a couple ofmonths ago. Clearly, Conservative MPs have selected him for the specific task of reviving the British economy.

Prince Harry’s memoir to be published in January 2023

Prince Harry's memoir appears to have a release date after a protracted wait. After months of crazed speculation, the book will be published on January 10, 2023, according to industry experts, according to a New York Times report.

Let’s feel good, sure, but Rishi is a British dish

This Diwali is illuminated with added lights and the aroma of sweets for British Indians, for sure. As soon as ‘Dishy’ Rishi’s premiership was confirmed at 2:00 BST on 24 October, one of my acquaintances living in Warwick

Anti-Labour Party

In politics, self-sabotaging acts are so common that they rarely surprise veteran observers. At the bitter root of most shoot-oneself-in-the-foot idiocies is stubborn blindness occurring when a leadership asserts its self-preservation over the good of Party members.