

United Kingdom

Deportation Dilemma

Immigration and asylum test the delicate balance between humanitarian concerns and national sovereignty. The discussions between the United Kingdom and Rwanda regarding the deportation of asylum seekers casts a stark light on the conundrum.

Sunak’s challenge

The United Kingdom’s migration strategy has taken an unexpected twist, placing Rwanda at the centre of a controversial drama.


When a single piece of faulty data can bring operations of one of the world’s busiest air transportation systems to…

Fish and chips

Yet the clock is ticking and rather menacingly as 31 December, the date by which parliaments in London and Brussels must endorse a trade deal, approaches.

UK-EU have ‘useful review’ on Brexit, but difficulties remain

David Frost, the UK government's chief negotiator, and his EU counterpart Michel Barnier had a "useful review of the whole agenda before our talks" during informal Brexit discussions on Tuesday, Xinhua news agency quoted the spokesman as saying on Wednesday.