


Girl children in distress as mothers die, disappear

Despite government initiatives to protect the girl child, the newborn daughters are still left to bear the brunt of utter negligence even by their mothers, which was evident at East Burdwan and Bankura in the last three days.

Five things every new mom must know

"From breastfeeding to changing diapers, many new things become a part of your daily routine. While taking care of your newborn is important, following a self-care routine should also be a priority for mothers," says Prathibha Babshet,

Wail of the infant

The fact that only seven of the 17 babies were rescued highlights the horribly belated promptitude of the staff, but can bring cold comfort to the bereaved families. It is hard not to wonder whether the 10 newborns ~ who died wailing in darkness ~ had come to this world to die.