


Gandhi’s path

Through the last two weeks of March and April 1930, Mahatma Gandhi continued his march on foot, along with 78 Congress volunteers from the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to the Gujarat coast; what the world knows as the Dandi March or Salt Satyagraha, a historic event.

‘All-White Saraswati’

As our globalized world commemorates International Women’s Day, it is an opportunity to delve into to the life, times and works of Annie Besant who travelled from England to land in Kandy, (Ceylon) on 16 November 1883, where she inaugurated her tour with lectures.

Sikh pilgrim from India passes away in Lahore

He was swiftly transported to Lahore's Punjab Institute of Cardiology for urgent medical attention. Despite the efforts of the medical team, Singh couldn't be revived, as stated by an official from the Evacuee Trust Property Board, responsible for overseeing the holy sites of minorities

Mahamana Legacies

Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya was a four-time President of the Indian National Congress: in 1909, 1918, 1932 and 1933. Pandit Nehru referred to him as a ‘Mahapurush‘ who ‘ever since Congress was started, had been a unique symbol of our political movements. Malaviyaji had a big role in its inception, in its making and its growth.‘ In its present phase, Congress is ignoring, marginalizing its unique legacies