


Energy Pact

In an era dominated by climate change concerns and the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions, the memorandum of understanding…

Energy Security~I

India is the world‘s third-largest energy consuming country, thanks to rising incomes and improving standards of living. Indeed, energy use has doubled since 2000, with 80 per cent of demand still met by coal, oil and solid biomass. More elaborately, coal is the country‘s top energy source with a share of 46 per cent in 2021, followed by oil (23 per cent) and biomass (21 per cent)

Currency turmoil

If the current pace of depreciation continues unchecked, it seems inevitable that the reserve will shrink at a fast pace.

Critical role

Producing these minerals in strict adherence to environmental, social, and governance criteria will be ~ not to put too fine a point on it ~ critical if the ends are to be justified by the means.