

Cold war

2+2 talks

In a world rife with geopolitical complexities, the Indo-US “2+2 Dialogue” emerges at a crucial juncture in the evolving landscape of international relations.

Tech theft

Now, the danger which has been flagged by the alliance chiefs is that technological innovation by small companies, start-ups, and researchers is the new target.

A deft balancing act

Historically, India has maintained an equidistant relationship with geopolitical power blocs. India located itself at a safe centre in the…

Afghan misadventure~I

It is paradoxical that the US which entered Afghanistan with the promise of ensuring a new age of peace and stable democracy is now, though belatedly, arguing as stated by Biden that nation building was not on its cards. The American intervention, far from building an enduring democracy, created a clientelist oligarchy that survived because of widespread corruption despite lack of popular support, as it was in South Vietnam.

Fine balance

India’s approach towards Afghanistan and Japan’s in SouthEast Asia serve to underline this point

Power Games

Mercantilism as an economic theory and policy became influential in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that called for government regulation of a nation’s economy in order to increase its power at the expense of rival nations.

Ten-Foot-Tall Syndrome

One of the reasons Beijing encourages state-controlled media to take an inordinate interest in running down India is because China recognises that unlike the USA, Japan, Australia or Vietnam, its southern neighbour poses a challenge to it which none of the aforementioned countries does.