

How to get rid of breathlessness easily

Bitter gourd is known for its effectiveness in treating asthma that is a common cause for breathlessness. Make sure you include plenty of this green vegetable in your diet. Simply make a bitter gourd paste and add some honey to it to make it tasty.

How to get rid of breathlessness easily

Breathlessness problem (Photo-Getty Image)

Dyspnea or shortness of breath is an uncomfortable and distressing experience. We all have experienced it on different occasions like after climbing 4-5 sets of stairs or when suffering from a cold due to the presence of mucus in the lungs.

Breathlessness or shortness of breath can occur due to multiple reasons. It can be temporary or due to some serious underlying health condition. Occasional breathlessness can be easily managed at home, but if this happens every second day with you, then it is better to consult your doctor.

Here are some simple home treatments to alleviate your shortness of breath:


Pursed-lip breathing

When you experience shortness of breath, try the pursed-lip breathing technique for quick relief. It will immediately slow the pace of your breathing, helping you restore normalcy. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety. Sit comfortably and relax your neck and shoulder muscles. Press your lips together and form an O shape, inhale through the nose and exhale through the lips. Continue this for at least 10 minutes or until you start feeling relaxed.

Black coffee

A shot of black coffee can help breathlessness considerably. The caffeine in coffee helps reduce respiratory muscle fatigue and improves airway function modestly. One or two cups of strong black coffee will help regulate your breathing pattern. However, don’t drink too much coffee as it may raise your heart rate and blood pressure.


Ginger is excellent at treating chest or nasal congestion that could be one of the primary causes of shortness of breath. Brew yourself a cup of ginger tea: add 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped ginger slices to two cups of boiling water, cover and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, strain, add a little honey. Drink two or three cups of this tea daily.


If anemia is the cause of your breathlessness, then the iron deficiency is the root cause. Including beetroot—which is high in iron, fiber, calcium, potassium, and vitamins—in your diet is a simple solution. Consume a glass of beetroot, carrot, and spinach juice daily for best results.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is known for its effectiveness in treating asthma that is a common cause for breathlessness. Make sure you include plenty of this green vegetable in your diet. Simply make a bitter gourd paste and add some honey to it to make it tasty. If you’re not one with a sweet tooth, you can add some black salt to it and use it as a spread on your toast.
