

Rabindranath Tagore

Tagore as Gurudev

The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘Guru’ as a “Hindu spiritual teacher. Also, each of the ten first leaders of the Sikh religion. The word comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘weighty’, ‘grave', hence 'elder, teacher’’. It must be the third sentence of this definition that must have irked Rabindranath Tagore.

Man who walked Alone: Rabindranath Tagore

The position Rabindranath Tagore took vis-à-vis aggressive nationalism was obviously unacceptable to those who belonged to nationalist circles. In India and in the other countries where he lectured on nationalism, he was regularly subjected to severe criticism by the press. According to his biographers, Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson, a group of radical Indians even conspired to assassinate him when, in 1916, he visited the USA.

Perceptions of Education

Tagore‘s critique was advanced when the Non-Cooperation Movement tried to widen the gulf between the East and the West which he wanted to avoid. In its inability to answer these important questions, Sarat Chandra's reply was dated. Both Shikshar Milon and Satyer Ahovaan, according to Pramatha Chaudhuri were two of Tagore‘s finest pieces.