


Ecological Migrants~I

Recent snapshots of our living earth relayed by satellites above have undoubtedly been among the most dramatic images ever encountered by humans. Earlier images, in comparison, would have much smaller areas of barren rocks and urban sprawl; much more extensive tree cover.

Fight pollution with these 5 superfoods

Jaggery, commonly known as gur in India, is a rich source of iron. Jaggery can help improve the hemoglobin level in the blood, thereby increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This helps in getting rid of breathing-related issues that occur due to pollution.

CSE analysis shows pollution bouncing back in West Bengal, Bihar and Odisha

The winter smog that engulfs North India during early November begins to extend eastwards during late December and early January. Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha are affected mostly during this time when winter inversion and the cool and calm conditions trap the local pollution that is already high.

In areas with heavy plastic pollution, more microbes can degrade plastics

"Using our models, we found multiple lines of evidence supporting the fact that the global microbiome's plastic-degrading potential correlates strongly with measurements of environmental plastic pollution -- a significant demonstration of how the environment is responding to the pressures we are placing on it"