

Foreign policy

A Changing World~II

Russia will not win, and Ukraine cannot lose. Germany, caught in a crisis not of its own making, has to find a way to regain stability and order and of course economic growth

Pakistan’s neutrality

“We are friends with Russia and we are also friends with America. We are friends with China and with Europe. We are not in any camp." On March 2, Pakistan along with 34 other countries had abstained from voting on the United Nations’ resolution that condemned the “Russian aggression against Ukraine”.

Permanent Interests

A neighbourhood first policy would definitely help; we may start by providing food and vaccine aid to countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal and even Pakistan, which are facing grave food and vaccine shortages. We can restore friendly relations with our neighbours, at no extra cost, by toning down our rhetoric and not letting domestic compulsions affect foreign relations and most importantly, by treating smaller countries properly

‘Indian moves excessively cautious’

At a time when the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will profoundly affect the geopolitics of the region, the former Foreign Secretary of India, Krishnan Srinivasan speaks to Soumyadip Mullick on what policy India must adopt now to tackle the Afghan dilemma.