


Changing Equations

Some overlap in the functions of the three branches is unavoidable; good governance sometimes requires that an executive body exercises some basic legislative and judicial functions also.

The Defection Game

Defectors contend that anti-defection laws stifle their right to free speech, glossing over the fact that they are not individuals with a free will but representatives of an electorate that voted for them on the basis of certain assurances including that of party affiliation. Seen in this perspective, defection is an act of betrayal of the people’s trust

Constitution & Climate

The present Constitution in Chile was crafted in 1980 by people who were handpicked by the then military ruler ~ Augusto Pinochet. It opened the country to mining investments and allowed water rights to be bought and sold. Over time, Chile prospered by exploiting its natural resources ~ copper, coal, salmon and avocados.