


College Dupleix to Chandernagore College

College Dupleix to Chandernagore College: The Journey from Revolution to Emancipation contains in detail the revolutionary activities and the secret societies that came up in Chandernagore with the sole motto of driving out the British through armed revolution.

2024 World Book Fair offers books on mythology

Following the opening of the Ram Mandir, mythology has surged in popularity at the fair, with the "365 Vedas" book by Ajay Mago, renowned for Om Books International's children's fiction, emerging as the top-selling title in the genre.

5 audiobooks and podcasts to mark National Parents’ Day 2023

As National Parents' Day draws near, it's time to celebrate our real-life superheroes who taught us to fly even before we knew how to walk! This July 23, let's cherish the guiding light of our lives with a curated list of these Audible titles that beautifully capture the essence of parenthood and offer parenting tips for the new ones embarking on the journey, reminding us of the magic woven by their love.