


Kaleidoscope of visual impressions

A recent exhibition of paintings organised by Surnandan Bharati, a recognised organisation promoting the performing arts, was showcased at the Gaganendra Shilpa Pradarshasala Kolkata from 7–10 July 2024.

Mythology embodied through dance

The Angikam Foundation presented their Mahotsav at Gyan Manch on 15 June 2024. Financially, the Mahotsav was supported by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

A legacy comes alive through art

Avijit Dutta's unabashed passion and search for the buried stories and unravelled legacies of the spaces he inhabits have richly and evocatively surfaced in his art time and again. 

Maharaj: More melodrama, less period-drama

Maharaj marks the debut film of Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, and is ‘supposedly’ based on the Maharaj Libel case of 1862, which proved to be a landmark judgement in legal history and changed the religious fabric of the country significantly. 

In a similar mental sphere

The month of May arrived with a pleasant surprise when chess met music during the International Fide Open Rapid Rating Chess Tournament 2024 at the Rabindranath Tagore Centre, ICCR.