


Delhi college with deep Olympic ties

In the national capital, the distance between Mori Gate and Daryaganj should not be more than three to four kilometres. When India's hockey team was chosen for the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics, it included Michael A. Gettle and Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi Senior.


The Union Budget for 2024-25 has sparked significant discussion due to striking resemblance of some provisions to promises made in the Congress party’s 2024 Lok Sabha election manifesto.

Coalition Budget

The first budget of this government marks a critical juncture. For the first time in his political career, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is compelled to navigate the delicate terrain of coalition politics, reflecting a shift from his previous dominance with the BJP’s clear majorities.

Toxic Air

Air pollution in ten Indian cities assumed alarming proportions and was linked to deaths of 33,000 people every year between 2008 and 2019, a study published on 6 July 2024 in the Lancet Planetary Health Journal points out.

Security Failure

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania is a stark reminder of the evolving threats facing public figures in an increasingly polarised political landscape.

Crisis in Israel

“The Jewish identity of the State of Israel is our right to exist here,” Ms Silman has been quoted as saying by The Jerusalem Post. “Injury [to that] without any regard for the public and for the values I represent, is a red line for me.”

Fandom threat

The attempt to control fandom culture is part of the matrix of supressing youth entertainment in China, including severe restrictions on online gaming. Some like David Bandurski, co-director of the China Media Project partnered by the University of Hong Kong, say all this talk of rescuing Chinese youth from their own appetites is in fact a smokescreen for a far more serious purpose.

We the Republic?

In Latin America a new social geometry of power has emerged. The rights to be heard, to be seen, to be recognized, and to be respected are at the core of new movements across the region giving a new meaning to democracy. What is significant is that there has been a displacement of power upward, downward and outward

To be human

“To be human,” he continued, “is to be weak and vulnerable, to suffer and grovel like the most of us, to accept that few of us have much control over our fate, our life, even our body..."

Smith’s slap endorses the culture of honour

To not lash out at slights makes one less of a man. This concept can be confused with “toxic masculinity” – which is a brand of anti-feminist hypermasculinity that promotes independence, emotional blunting and aggression to establish dominance over men and women.