


Nipah virus alert sounded in Rajasthan

Nipah virus alert has been issued in Rajasthan after the detection of the dreadful virus in Kerala which has claimed a life, the officials said on Monday.

HNLU announces menstrual leave policy for female students

HNLU Vice Chancellor Prof VC Vivekanandan remarked, “The implementation of the MLP marks understanding and facilitating the special needs of young women students at HNLU to support their academic pursuit, and we thank the Academic Council for its support through such policy.”

Know the signs: Mental Health problems in children

Behaviour can also signal mental health problems. Look out for extreme out-of-control behaviour, getting into lots of fights, or doing things that could hurt themselves or others. Using drugs or alcohol a lot is a cause for concern too.

Do you know about Eco anxiety? If no, immediately scroll down

If you worry or feel guilty about the environmental impact of most actions you take, or if your great concern for the environment is matched by a huge sense of helplessness that there’s nothing you can do, and if this tends to immobilise you, that also sounds like eco-anxiety.