

Tips for beautiful and healthy nails

A woman having beautiful and healthy nails can be very poised.

Tips for beautiful and healthy nails

(Getty Images)

Beauty builds confidence and confidence improves a woman’s life in every way. A woman having beautiful and healthy nails can be very poised. From college girls to professional women and homemakers, nails are a part of the beauty of every female. Every woman likes them to be pretty and strong. Hands of a woman are so much stressed that nails are not properly taken care of. Pink nails are considered as healthy nails.

We all can’t be blessed with them but with good care of nails, we can make them healthier and look better. There are few easy tips to take good care of nails and make them a part of your healthy and competent life.



  • Practice a good nail hygiene: Always keep your fingernails dry and clean to prevent bacterial growth under your fingernails.
  • Nail hardener gels: Good quality branded gels can protect and strengthen fragile and damaged nails. These gels provide your nails a clear smooth surface that looks beautiful, shiny and healthy. These gels also help in the growth of nails.
  •      Nail creams or moisturizers: Like our skin, nails also require moisturizing. Nail creams should be used repeatedly throughout the day as our nails are low in oil content. Hydrate them after every time you wash your hands.
  • Removing cuticles: Never cut your cuticles, only push them back. This delicate skin along the bottom of your nail bed protects your nails from infection by bacteria and fungus.
  • Regular clipping: Tidy up your nails every few days to ensure their healthy growth. Soak your nails for few minutes before you cut them. This makes them soft and easier to trim. Always uses a nail clipper or manicure scissors to trim your nails conveniently and safely. It would be wiser if you maintain a perfect healthy length and trim away the painful growth. Long nails look elegant but they break more easily. So trim a little bit of length especially when your nails are already weak.

  • Filing and removing nail paint: Frequent filing and removing polish can tear up your nails. Minimising filing and less use of nail polish removers is a good idea to protect nails from drying out and becoming brittle. Always use an Acetone free and oil-based polish remover.
  • Painting nails: Painting nails is a creative and stress buster activity for a woman. It is the best way to decorate and enhance your nails. Jazz up appearance with the beautiful coloring of nails. You can sprinkle glitter on your wet nail paint to add that enhanced effect.
  • Use of rubber gloves: Dermatologists recommend wearing gloves while doing dishes and washing clothes. Hot water and chemicals from soap and detergents weaken the nails making them more vulnerable to break. These gloves also help the nail paint to last for a longer time.

  • Use lemon juice on nails: Apply lemon juice with a cotton ball and rub it on the top surface of your nails. Leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse your nails. You will get rid of stains and whiten nails.
  • Take a biotin supplement: If you are on a restricted diet that cuts natural biotin like egg yolks and wheat, then biotin supplements are really helpful to maintain healthy nails.

Nails can do wonders in improving a female’s appearance. The question of neglecting them does not arise at all. These days nail salons have been becoming an important part of our culture as nail technicians can do amazing things that we can’t do ourselves.

If your nails are in a bad condition, then make sure to spend some time with a nail artist to smooth your nail beds and smooth your cuticles. Our nails are special and they deserve the best care. So never hesitate to visit a nail parlor to pamper them in a loving way. Yes, of course, they are one of the significant pillars of feminine beauty.
