

There is no confusion; BJP’s next govt is a certainty: PM

Addressing a BJP election rally in Gurdaspur, Punjab, Modi cited the Partition, instability, and unrest as the wounds inflicted by the Congress party and its allies on the state.

There is no confusion; BJP’s next govt is a certainty: PM

Photo: PM Narendra Modi (X/@narendramodi)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that 90 per cent of people anywhere in the country say Modi’s next government is a certainty; there is no “confusion” this time, people want to vote for the BJP as no citizen wants his vote to go “waste”.

Addressing a BJP election rally in Gurdaspur, Punjab, the prime minister said the 2024 election would give leadership to the country. On one side are the BJP and NDA with a clear vision of Viksit Bharat, a Nation First resolve, a track record of 10 years, and an assault on corruption. On the other, there is INDI alliance which is severely communal, casteist, and follows dynasty politics.

INDI alliance partners, Congress and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), act like friends in Delhi and protect the corrupt while abusing each other in Punjab. What do they think; they can befool people like this. “People know these two shops have a common shutter,” Mr Modi said.


“To defeat the INDI alliance and to realise your dreams, you should press the lotus button of the BJP,” he added.

“Who knows the real face of the INDI alliance better than Punjab,” the prime minister said.” He pointed out that the INDI alliance gave maximum wounds to Punjab. First, the Partition after Independence, then instability due to self-interest, followed by a long phase of unrest, attack on brotherhood and on faith.

“What is it the Congress did not do in Punjab? It encouraged separatism and organised the genocide of Sikhs in Delhi. As long as it held power in the Central government, it even protected the rioters; it is Modi who reopened files of the accused and got them punished,” he said.

Even today, the Congress and the AAP have this grouse, and abuse the BJP day and night, he said, adding when it comes to national interest, the Congress stands at the last place. When the party was in power in the state, it wanted to run the government by remote control; but former chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh declined to take orders from the Congress Prince in Delhi (Rahul Gandhi),” he contended.

As a patriot from the armed forces, the chief minister gave priority to national security, Punjab being a border state, he declined to take orders against the country. He was, therefore, removed from his post. Who can forget this insult of Punjab, Mr Modi said.

Punjab is sought to be run through remote control even today, he said. The present chief minister cannot initiate any work; his government was paralysed once his party president (Arvind Kejriwal) went to jail. The chief minister had to travel to Tihar Jail to take fresh orders.

Within a few days after 1st June, the “corrupt” will go to jail again; will the government of Punjab run from a jail, the prime minister asked. “Do you accept this style of government? Is it not an insult to Punjab, the land of the gurus? Will this not put at risk future of Punjab?”

Mr Modi said to take Punjab out of this situation, and for a bright future of the State and India, people should elect BJP candidates, “and I will take care of your dreams in the next five years. Every moment of my life will be dedicated to you and the nation, 24×7 till 2047,” he said. “This is the land of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Maharaja had given gold for the Vishwanath temple in Kashi in Uttar Pradesh,” he said.

The INDI alliance is a serious threat to national security, he said. Look at the Congress agenda; it is talking of reimposing Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir; and it “wants” separatism revived in the region. Mr Modi said the Congress will befriend Pakistan through flowers and Pakistan will organize bomb blasts.

“The party will say talks are necessary while preparing ground for its proposals. The party says Pakistan has an atom bomb. Is there anyone in India who is afraid of Pakistan’s atom bomb? People must be laughing. Can such people make the country feel secure,” he asked.

“The Congress is speaking Pakistan’s language; they don’t know it is New India; it will enter homes to eliminate enemies. I have worked in Punjab for long; I swear by its soil, I will not let the country die, nor let it bend before anyone or stop,” he said.

In fact, the Congress has no faith in the country’s capacity, he said. The Congress Shehzada Rahul Gandhi goes abroad and says India is not a nation and wants to change its identity. His mentor says Ram Navami celebration endangers India’s identity.

After 500 years, Ram temple was built, the whole nation celebrated but the Congress boycotted it, he said. A Sikh was the first to initiate a fight for the Ram Temple; his descendants were part of the recent Ram Temple celebrations but the INDI alliance leaders consider Ram Temple unholy.

Congress and the AAP are playing with the future of Punjab; drug consumption is increasing, criminals are protected by the State government, while development is standstill and farmers are worried, he said. The INDI alliance is running away from its responsibility, he said.

Development of Punjab is Modi’s priority, he said. Besides infrastructure creation, the BJP made a record procurement of wheat and paddy from the State in the last 10 years. “We paid MSP two and a half times the rate paid during the Congress period,” he said. Each Punjab farmer got Rs 30,000 in his bank account from Kisan Samman Nidhi,” he said.
