


How pandemic changed crowdfunding

"Crises are bound to happen to everyone, they don't differentiate between the rich and poor and by crowdfunding people don't just help out financially but also help mobilise certain resources in the time of need."

Covid-19 second wave worsens ‘shecession’

This growing demand for flexibility comes at a time when remote opportunities continue to grow. According to the recent Labour Market Update, remote job postings that increased by 35x across 2020, grew further by almost 3x year-on-year as of May 2021.

Tisca Chopra works for transgenders, widows during Covid crisis

"At Tisca's Table is a monthly table where we bring creative minds to facilitate conversations between the brightest minds, and I have been doing that since last year. We reinvented the Table for the pandemic seeing that it is what is most needed right now.