

Puja committee pays tribute to Vishwakarma’s avatar

In a tribute to all the hands that feed the mini industry called Durga Puja, such as labourers, artisans, stall…

Puja committee pays tribute to Vishwakarma’s avatar

Durga Puja – the five days of extravaganza when Kolkata soaks in tradition (Photo: SNS)

In a tribute to all the hands that feed the mini industry called Durga Puja, such as labourers, artisans, stall owners, pandal makers, drummers, electricians et al, Samaj Sebi Sangha Durga Puja is felicitating them this Vishwakarma Puja.
Club officials believe each service provider is an embodiment ofVishwakarma, whom we all pray and thank for all the creations around.

“Our theme is Sri Sri Durga Sahay (we are all children of goddess Durga). Looking at the economic activity around the Durga Puja, which is around 50-60cr industry, we are trying to show that so many labourers, artistes, migrant workers are dependent on this annual event. For our economic growth and stability, we are dependent on lord Ganesha. And for all the cre- ation we depend on the supreme architect Vishwakarma, symbolized by the people who work on the ground. Without their effort, we can have no Puja,” said Arijit Maitra, general secretary of the Puja.

Since Vishwakarma Puja and Ganesha Puja are being back-to-back this year, the club thought of felicitating them. The club launched their ban- ner through the drummers, priest, stall owners, event managers, advertiser etc.
“These artistes have been with us since 16 July, when we had our khunti Puja. It is a mini city here with different activities being carried out for so many days,” added Mr Maitra.

