


Kharkiv resists

As Russian forces continue their unyielding offensive against Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, civilian life is under siege. The repeated use of advanced weaponry like glide bombs has not only devastated the city’s infrastructure but has also left deep psychological scars on inhabitants.

Rethinking Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Vladimir Lenin, the architect of Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik revolution, politician and political theorist was considered as one of the most significant and influential figures of 20th century world history.

Sporting spirit?

That the English are unable to handle being spectators at sporting contests is becoming increasingly clear. While the English football fan has acquired a reputation across Europe and around the world for boorishness that is sought to be explained away by the effects of overindulgence, the malaise is now spreading to other sports

Pak-Russia oil deal hits roadblock

The all-important oil deal between Pakistan and Russia has hit a roadblock, as the two nations are unlikely to finalise a long-term supply deal.

What next?

The cracks in the ‘bromance’ between the world’s two most powerful, autocratic strongmen President Xi Jinping of China and President Vladimir Putin of Russia that appeared in the aftermath of the Wagner rebellion, the most significant challenge to the latter’s authority in two decades, appear to have widened.