

Rabindranath Tagore

Tagore as Gurudev

The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘Guru’ as a “Hindu spiritual teacher. Also, each of the ten first leaders of the Sikh religion. The word comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘weighty’, ‘grave', hence 'elder, teacher’’. It must be the third sentence of this definition that must have irked Rabindranath Tagore.

Reflections of a Master Mind

As an economist, Sen is reckoned as one of the great minds who has enriched the world of ideas and actions, augmented by his erudition in fields as diverse as Sanskrit grammar and literature, mathematics and philosophy

Bengal and Japan ~ I

Swami Vivekananda‘s first-hand reports about Japan through his letters, lectures, etc. had only one message for the young students of India ‘Look East‘, go to Japan and learn from them about the development strategy of the Meiji Government and how they implemented their plans.

Tagore & the Geheebs

This book is a study of the Indo-German cultural exchange in the early 20th century that was initiated by three educators and their pedagogical vision… A review.

100-year journey~I

Interestingly, in the 21st century, the publication of two books strongly advocating the need for liberal arts and humanities studies as essential curriculum in university courses, was a crusading call.