


Some stray thoughts on India’s sporting journey

The world is getting ready for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris which starts later this month. As a young boy growing up in post-independence India, I had a sincere wish to see my country gain prominence on the world stage and to see Indian athletes succeed in international sports.

India’s moment

During the run-up to the G20, India has vigorously and diligently tried to forge a spirit of unity of purpose for realizing common objectives of prosperity and well-being for all. Its expertise, credentials and acceptability among varied G20 stakeholders can now be used to press for radical change and innovation in tackling the South‘s woes

Indo-German Ties~II

Africa is estimated to have an abundance of rare earths but lacks exploration and extraction capabilities. German capital and green tech know-how augmented by an Indian-African workforce could be the key driver for Africa to replace China as the world‘s source of rare earths over the next decade. It would provide employment avenues for India‘s young population both at the skilled and semi-skilled levels, remittances from a new geography will come into play, and the opportunities for trade and commerce would grow. Africa would benefit as its own youth bulge would become productive