


Red Carpet

In the realm of global economics, China has long been the magnetic epicentre, drawing in foreign investors with promises of boundless opportunities and unprecedented growth.

Europe’s Economy

In an era marked by geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, Europe finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with a myriad of challenges that threaten to reshape its economic landscape.

Lenin’s Critics

Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95) viewed the 1789 French Revolution as a symbol of the demise of feudalism and inauguration of a bourgeois society which eventually would be dislodged by the socialist revolution.

Paris 2024

It is quite likely that when, probably towards the end of this month, the International Olympic Committee starts sending out formal invitations to countries around the world asking them to come to Paris next year, Russia and Belarus will not find themselves in the guest list.

Growing influence

China’s strategic footprint is expanding across the globe. Now, it’s the Eastern Mediterranean region ~ at the maritime crossroads of Africa, Europe, and Asia and an important transit area for goods and people ~ which is in focus. Beijing, say experts, has recognised the region’s geostrategic value and is leveraging the fact that relations between regional countries have been complicated by long-standing rivalries and conflicts to get a foot in the door and more, as it were.