


Spiritual aspects of participating in poll

Nearly two crore young voters, or those between the ages of 18 and 29 would be first-time voters. Regardless of the outcome of the elections or the imperfections that might impact its conduct, the fact that a system has been created where some 100 crore people are going to determine who will represent them in the highest institution of governance is a tremendous collective achievement to be proud of.

Workshop on relations with Tibet

At the beginning of the first session Prof Samir Sharma, head of the department of political science introduced Mr Tsundue and the student volunteers greeted him.

Language and Power

Language is not just an instrument of expression, grammar, and philosophy, it embodies the genius of a race and its culture. It is also an icon an emotive symbol for which people die as martyrs. It happened with the Jews, the Irish and the Bengalis (rather Bangladeshis). As an instrument of articulation, it is indispensable, and as an icon, so noble and chaste. But when it is used as an instrument of oppression by means of imposition, it may prove to be dangerous 

The British P. A.

By the power of his mind, Swamiji read his past at first sight and told him everything flawlessly. Goodwin was deeply astonished and impressed.

The big game

Olympic football is for age-compliant players with a few big ones thrown into each team. Track and field has its own independent sources of sustenance.