

Democratic Party

Going against innovation

The association will likely prevent its members from making deals with proptech firms, such as placing online advertising, like the Korean Bar Association that banned its member attorneys from using LawTalk, an online service that connects clients and lawyers.

A bitter battle

“I’m the only thing standing between the American Dream and total anarchy, madness and chaos,” the President told the conservative Council for National Policy, in Arlington, Virginia.

Kamala Harris to make her debut as Vice President candidate

Before her address to the virtual national convention, former President Barack Obama is scheduled to speak on the nation getting a "More Perfect Leadership" and segue into her nomination by her sister Maya Harris, niece Meena Harris and step-daughter Ella Emhoff, according to the convention.

Enter Mr Biden

Constrained by the dangers of the virus, the former Vice-President has been forced lately to campaign mostly from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, after moving around the country to rallies and fundraisers ~ in keeping with tradition ~ before the pandemic hit the US.

The Corona Election

Despite the raging coronavirus crisis, a fretful Democratic party establishment, deeply deferential to big donors, proceeded with primary elections in Illinois, Ohio, and Florida that were guaranteed to bolster their preferred presidential candidate, Joseph Biden. He will stabilize, not reverse, what Trump has done, and that’s about it. Some years ago a renowned film director, a genuine artist in that often crass trade, ruefully told one of us that an amply funded publicity campaign can make a success of the most mediocre product. Looks like he’s still right