


Wake-Up Call

In an era marked by a perpetual struggle for democracy, the recent findings of a comprehensive study shed light on a disquieting reality: global scepticism regarding the fairness of elections and a disturbing inclination towards strong, undemocratic leadership.

China’s democracy

Most East Asian and Southeast Asian countries chose to become economically fit for democracy. India provided a contrasting model.

Why South Korea’s democrats must worry

In particular, Korea, one of the poorest countries and one of the military dictatorships 50 years ago, is proud to have become a prosperous country and hold a democracy summit.

Important to reclaim space for dialogue

Politics, particularly democratic politics, is an art of persuasion. It is an arrangement where one needs to win the support of the people to win political power.

Spirit of democracy

In the grand tapestry of global politics, 2024 emerges as a pivotal year, where the heartbeat of democracy resonates across borders.

Deepening democracy

As Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia has recently written, the election and its results reflect a thriving democracy driven by voters’ concerns about key domestic issues such as employment, housing, education and healthcare.