


US scientists discover chemical to reverse ageing

In a groundbreaking study, US researchers have unlocked a new frontier in the fight against ageing and age-related diseases. The study, conducted by a team of scientists at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has published the first chemical approach to reprogramme cells to a younger state.

How to successfully age

Things such as knowledge, wisdom, the value of experiences we had, and the beauty of maturity we have attained through our good and bad experiences, should be accompanied by our aging process. 

Building an Inclusive and Equitable Healthcare system in India

Approximately, 56 million people died across the world–which is greater than the World War 2 civilian casualties. On the other hand, amenable mortality measures the deaths that could have been prevented by healthcare services once a disease occurs, while avertable mortality measures the deaths that could have been averted by public health policies that prevent the disease from occurring in the first place.