


Delhi college with deep Olympic ties

In the national capital, the distance between Mori Gate and Daryaganj should not be more than three to four kilometres. When India's hockey team was chosen for the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics, it included Michael A. Gettle and Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi Senior.


The Union Budget for 2024-25 has sparked significant discussion due to striking resemblance of some provisions to promises made in the Congress party’s 2024 Lok Sabha election manifesto.

Coalition Budget

The first budget of this government marks a critical juncture. For the first time in his political career, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is compelled to navigate the delicate terrain of coalition politics, reflecting a shift from his previous dominance with the BJP’s clear majorities.

Toxic Air

Air pollution in ten Indian cities assumed alarming proportions and was linked to deaths of 33,000 people every year between 2008 and 2019, a study published on 6 July 2024 in the Lancet Planetary Health Journal points out.

Security Failure

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania is a stark reminder of the evolving threats facing public figures in an increasingly polarised political landscape.

Next level

India and France have common interests bilaterally and multilaterally, and these are increasingly converging. The consensus among experts is that India must now step up its commitments to trade, technology and defence, areas where France has expertise and can make a significant contribution as the Rafale fighter-jet deal has shown.

Food and warming~I

Humanity's longest struggle has been the ongoing battle waged on different fronts to feed itself. Over the last 10,000 years, food production and consumption have been rigorously engineered to meet demand. To ensure food security for the growing population, agriculture has been modernized with the use of machines, large quantities of fuels, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and chemicals

Gota, go! Crisis unites Lankans

The suffering masses took to the streets with a single slogan, never before articulated against any head of state of this country. And in this desperation, the slogans arising from hunger, weariness, and helpless resentment were blind to all the differences between the communities, their collective frustration bringing them together as no lavishly foreign funded NGOs and INGOs could achieve for the last 10 years after the war.

American obsession with Nato expansion led to Ukraine war

In 1996, the USA interfered in the Russian elections so that its favored politician Boris Yeltsin could be elected as the President. Yeltsin implemented pro-big business and pro West economic policies that impoverished the common Russian people. This emboldened US policy makers to go back on the assurances regarding Nato expansion eastward.

Grisly find

According to David DesRoches, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington, the deliberate killing of civilians is a war crime. “Placement of booby-traps and placement of mines are clear violations of the law of warfare, as well as deliberate targeting of civilians.”