Tiny flaxseeds are often described as a superfood, nutrient dense and widely utilized for a myriad of health benefits.
Flaxseeds originated from the Middle East where for thousands of years, people used them due to their versatility and medicinal properties.
Of late, flaxseeds have found a place in the modern diet and people use them in smoothies, salads, as well as in baked goods. What is so strong about those tiny seeds?
Nutritional powerhouse
Flaxseeds are loaded with some nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, ensuring healthy hearts. The healthy fats reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels.
The seeds also happen to be heavily packed with fiber, supporting digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, and inducing feelings of fullness, which makes them an excellent addition to any weight-loss plan.
Flaxseeds are a high source of lignans, that is an antioxidant proven to suppress certain cancers, for example, cancers related to the female breast. High protein content can make flaxseeds to be one ideal plant-based proteins source for a vegetarian and also for a vegan.
Digestive health
Flaxseeds are popular for their positive effects on the digestive system. High levels of fiber, especially soluble fiber, help in smooth functioning of the digestive system.
It adds bulk to the stool and prevents constipation, thus serving as an excellent natural remedy for those who are plagued by irregular bowel movements.
Furthermore, flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome and supports overall digestive function.
Heart Health
Flaxseeds are also recognized for their heart-healthy characteristics. The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. They have been shown to reduce the risks of heart disease, lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL).
There is a reduced risk of high blood pressure and stroke associated with flaxseed intake due to their anti-inflammatory characteristics and improvement of blood vessel functions.
How to incorporate flaxseeds into your diet
One simple way of having flaxseed a part of the daily routine would be through their addition in a smoothie or yoghurt. The body would easily digest more of ground flaxseeds. So, you would not want to use them as whole seeds. Add these seeds on the top of cereal during the breakfast time or to your recipe baking. These are wonderful when added to a salad with all the nutty flavor and crisp texture too.
The roasted diet flaxseed with black salt from Patanjali is an easy option, giving this superfood a new flavor. It is an easily carryable snack, nutritious, and tasty all at the same time.
Patanjali Roasted Diet Flaxseed Black Salt serves as an ideal quick snack or topping for meals. With this, you can enjoy health benefits of flaxseeds in a simple and tasty form.
Flaxseeds also prove to be a good friend in weight management. The high amount of fiber will keep you full for a longer time, which reduces overall calorie intake. Lignans found in flaxseed help in promoting metabolic health, hence helping people manage their fat storage better.
Flaxseed Black Salt to your diet can be a great way to boost your weight-loss efforts. Thanks to its fiber-rich content and ability to curb hunger.