The Ministry of Women and Child Development has launched the SHe-Box portal, an online platform aimed at strengthening the implementation of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (SH Act). The Act mandates government oversight of its provisions and the maintenance of data on cases filed and resolved.
The SHe-Box portal serves as a centralised, publicly accessible repository of information on Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) established in workplaces across India, encompassing both government and private sectors. It also operates as an integrated complaint monitoring system, ensuring real-time tracking and transparency. Employers must designate a nodal officer responsible for regularly updating data to facilitate effective monitoring.
The portal allows complaints to be filed directly by aggrieved women or through representatives. Complainants must register details such as their employment status, name, phone number, and email. Representatives must provide their relationship with the complainant and authorisation. Based on the workplace, complaints are routed to the relevant IC or LC. For workplaces not yet registered on the portal, a process is in place to inform state and district authorities to expedite registration.
A key feature of the SHe-Box portal is its real-time monitoring dashboards, available to nodal officers at the central, state, and district levels. These dashboards track filed, pending, and resolved cases, including those exceeding the prescribed 90-day timeline for inquiries as per the SH Act. Complainants can also track the status of their cases. Additionally, the portal allows authorities to generate detailed reports for enhanced monitoring and compliance.
To ensure confidentiality, the portal masks complainant details, making them accessible only to the chairperson of the respective IC or LC. This safeguards the privacy of aggrieved individuals while enabling a seamless complaint redressal process.
This initiative, shared by the Minister of State for Women and Child Development, Savitri Thakur, in the Rajya Sabha, is a significant step towards improving workplace safety and accountability for women across India.