Crisis Looms
India is once again staring at the prospect of a reduced wheat harvest as above-average temperatures threaten the winter-sown crop.
MP CM Yadav also announced that the tales of struggle during the emergency period in the country would be made part of the syllabus for school students in the state.
Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav announced on Wednesday that from now on, the last rites of ‘Loktantra Senanis’, who struggled to uphold democracy during the Emergency, would be conducted with full state honour.
Addressing a state level function to felicitate ‘Loktantra Senanis’ at the CM House in Bhopal, Dr Yadav also announced that the tales of struggle during the emergency period in the country would be made part of the syllabus for school students in the state.
The CM added that all ‘Loktantra Senanis’ would be eligible to use the government Circuit Houses and Rest Houses for three days with 50 per cent concession in tariff. They would also get a 25 per cent discount on the ticket of the intra state air taxi service recently launched in MP.
The CM said that arrangements would be made to conduct last rites of ‘Loktantra Senanis’ with state honours. In addition to conducting their last rites with state honours, the government would also provide Rs 10000 financial assistance, instead of the earlier Rs 8000.
Dr Yadav also said that such persons would receive air ambulance services to go to bigger cities for medical treatment in case of emergencies or grave health ailments. They would also be exempted from paying toll tax on barriers on showing their identity card.
The MP CM said that the ‘Loktantra Senanis’ are the most respected persons in the democratic system and it is our duty to felicitate and honour them.
The MP CM felicitated several BJP workers and leaders as ‘Loktantra Senanis’, including Madhya Pradesh Water Resources Minister Tulsiram Silawat, who had joined the BJP from the Congress in 2020.