

Free ride!

Among the list of items banned inside the Metro trains are pet animals, including birds and dogs. However, sniffer dogs…

Free ride!

Among the list of items banned inside the Metro trains are pet animals, including birds and dogs. However, sniffer dogs accompanying CISF security personnel are a familiar sight for Metro commuters.

From the gentle giants ~ Labrador retrievers and German Shepherds ~ to the small Spaniels these dogs are led through station areas and at times in the trains as well. The only entrants without permits are birds ~ mainly pigeons ~ that are found in elevated stations, roosting on the high beams.

The cleaning brigade has a tough time wiping the droppings and a few even carry little pebbles to drive the birds away. There have also been instances of monkeys entering the platform area of elevated stations.


However, a colleague came across a stowaway simian on a Metro train that provided a few moments of mirth and scare as well. As the doors of the Noida City Centre-bound Metro train opened at one of the elevated stations on the Blue line, a juvenile monkey strode in along with the commuters.

As people stepped aside, it moved to the nearest seat and perched itself on the lap of a young man. As the youth froze, not knowing how to react, the co-passengers had a good time taking photos and making videos with their mobile phones.

The playful monkey continued to sit, unfazed by all the attention. It soon began its antics, swinging from the overhead rod and the handles. When the Metro stopped at the next station (Kirti Nagar) a few security guards entered the compartment brandishing sticks.

Perhaps the train driver had sent a message ahead. On seeing them the monkey darted out and vanished across the platform railings. Rather than panicking, the commuters had a few moments of joy as our colleague wondered whether it was a pet monkey that had escaped.
