

Faith; It’s an unguarded territory and must remain so!

Faith is like love, if it is true, it shows. It is like the best-laid plan of the universe.

Faith; It’s an unguarded territory and must remain so!

Faith; It's an unguarded territory and must remain so!

Faith is deep. It is the unsaid and lies in the deepest corners of one’s understanding. It cannot be defined by virtues and wrongdoings. It is extremely personal and is preserved in the folds of the soul.

We can go to any length to define faith, yet it remains the most unexplained concept. This is because faith differs from person to person. It is like selecting one’s favorite dish out of the whole menu. Whatever you like, you pick!

Nobody is obligated to explain their faith, because it was only the faith that guided man to do so. Faith gave him the liberty to follow it to the extent he likes and ignore what he dislikes. Faith is like love, if it is true, it shows. It is like the best-laid plan of the universe. The more you try to explain it, the less you’ll succeed. The more you’ll try to argue about it, the quieter you’ll become.


It is the beauty of it, that non-believers talk about it the most, that too in shrieking voices, while true believers are inarticulate, no matter how hard they try to speak. The whole concept is about inner peace and inner wisdom. The ones who achieve it become tight-lipped.

Faith is about moving forward and progressing, rather than falling back and regressing. It is ever evolving and keeps on astonishing us. It was there at the Alpha and would still be there at the Omega. It keeps holding on to us and the beauty of it is that it never differentiates. It has never preferred anyone or rejected the other. It has always kept its doors open. It has always been the guiding light, yet it is still misunderstood.

 “Make your faith larger than your fears and your dreams bigger than your doubts”, – Robin Sharma, author, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Where there is doubt, faith cannot exist. It needs complete surrender and trust. When you continue on its path, it keeps becoming larger. Eventually it achieves so much grandeur that our fears are dwarfed in front of it. So, believing in any faith is brave, it is the ultimate glory.

Keep it yourself, don’t show it, it is best experienced alone, in solitude. If you do wish to show it, do so, but also oblige others to do the same. Remember, that’s what your faith taught you!
