

Deepak Jeswal’s song Khwabon Ka Caravan crosses 1.3 million views on YouTube

For the song, Deepak Jeswal has collaborated with his frequent collaborator Archita Dinanath Bhattacharya.

Deepak Jeswal’s song Khwabon Ka Caravan crosses 1.3 million views on YouTube

Directed by Sunil Gupta, the video features TV actor Michael Rajput in the lead. (SNS)

YouTube sensation and budding lyricist Deepak Jeswal has tried his hand at emotional genre with KhwabonKa Caravan. The soulful rendition has so far garnered over 1.3 million views, delightfully reminiscing over the lost love and opportunities in one’s life.

For the song, Deepak Jeswal has collaborated with his frequent collaborator Archita Dinanath Bhattacharya. Archita is a trained classical vocalist and composer whose composition helped to take out the right mélange of sad yet modern texture to the number. The poignant voice of Anuj Bhatt added a host of feel and emotion to the song.

“Khwabon Ka Caravan is a heartfelt song about lost love and opportunities. We all go through a low phase at various times of our life and this song resonates that feeling. It’s a universal emotional track that has a modern rhythm. It is highly hummable and relatable. I am dedicating the song to the everlasting memories of Shyamlal Sinha, my brother and friend. I always miss him.,” said an elated Jeswal.


Bhattacharya added, “We created modern tune for the first time. Though it was little challenging to compose a sad modern tune that everyone can relate to when it got completed it really sounded very well.”

The video was shot in locations in and around Mumbai. Directed by Sunil Gupta, the video features TV actor Michael Rajput in the lead.  Michael said the song is highly relatable and people would relate to it in their own way.
