


How to naturally treat acne scars

Discover natural remedies for acne scars using household staples like aloe vera, lemon, sandalwood, and turmeric. Say goodbye to expensive treatments and hello to rejuvenated skin!

Homemade turmeric face packs for healthy, glowing skin

Discover the transformative power of homemade turmeric face packs for radiant and healthy skin. Easy to make and packed with natural benefits, these DIY packs featuring turmeric, honey, besan, and more will elevate your skincare routine.

Let your skin breathe through the chilly days

The biting-cold weather can be tough on your skin. It can make your skin dry, flaky and cracked and even inflamed. Additionally, to take care of these issues, you apply lotions, creams and sunscreens that can clog the pores of your skin

Beauty in India is “fair” skin deep

The actual thought process of the society is shared in the form of comments and posts on social media. It is common in our country to associate fair skin with being great.

Don’t wait till you get wrinkles

One should keep in mind that wrinkle-removal products delay more wrinkles from showing up, but it won't make the ones that are already there disappear.

Nighttime routine to keep hair healthy and long

A healthy diet helps in keeping the locks luscious, a mix of vitamins and healthy fats is helpful. Like any other body part, our hair also needs the correct amount of nutrients in order to stay healthy.

Gels Vs Creams

If your skin is oily, you would be better off using gels that contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, or tea tree oil.

Before you use a new skincare product

Sensitive skin type people should opt for products with Vitamin C which can soothe and heal irritated skin. While purchasing or selecting a product, always make sure that you give the ingredients list a read.