

Pakistani military

The Unseen Hand

The disintegration of the once-formidable PTI is critical in shaping the outcome of the impending elections in Pakistan, which the establishment will ensure ends up providing a dispensation that no longer threatens its legitimacy, claims and over-entitlements. Imran Khan and the PTI are the latest sacrificial lambs in the make-and-break of Pakistani politics

Unstable outcomes

Institutional stability is particularly important given that Pakistan hosts up to 120 nuclear warheads and it concurrently practices terrorism as a state policy (even though it is not officially stated). Now, given the process of natural seepage and affliction of the larger societal sensibilities and regressions onto a sub-institution within its midst, the Pakistani military, it is absolutely critical that the safety of the nuclear programme is never compromised. For long, fears of nuclear wherewithal falling into wrong hands has haunted security mandarins across the globe

Pakistan: Malice of fact and law

Setting aside the convictions of more than 70 people tried by Pakistani military courts, the High Court ruled that the proceedings were a sham, says Reena Omer.