


AI campaign

In an era when countries and societies around the world are divided into rival echo chambers, essentially but not entirely driven by media narratives, a very small beginning to feel the pulse of the silent majority was made by an Independent candidate for the July 20 by-election in the Selby and Ainsty constituency of the British House of Commons.

The Social Warriors ~ 1

A common deficiency plaguing the development sector is a lack of visionary and inspiring leadership. With most officers considering posting in backward areas as a punishment, the attitude is that there is nothing to lose by not performing. Ironically, while we should post the best officers in undeveloped regions to accelerate the process of development, what we have is a cadre of uninterested officers biding their time

The landing that wasn’t

It is overlooked that Chandrayaan-2 has become a global allegory on the human predicament. Its core pattern is the 'loss of contact' between ISRO and Vikram, the lander. This is not only a scientific setback but also an existential disaster. It is the root of all our woes. This pattern explains the gulf between our immense potential as a species, as people-groups and as individuals, and our achievements. We are eminently capable of landing on the Moon; that is to say, achieve difficult and challenging goals.

Insurance for the farmer

The government wants to bring in reforms but it has given no hint of reducing the role of private insurance. The actuarial private insurance can never alleviate farmers' woes. What is needed is a scheme which makes the public expenditure efficacious, and which increases the farmers' incomes.

Tragic destiny – Part-II

The problem lies in the proverbial three-monkey statues in which one monkey is blind, the second is dumb, and the third is deaf. India's public offices and the bureaucracy or the so-called steel frame function like the three monkeys

Comptroller’s combat ~ I

The CAG is not a bloodhound. He is always referred to as a constitutional watchdog. There is of course an inherent systemic issue when a committed bureaucrat is appointed as CAG. He might then tend to become an extra loyal lapdog