

George Bush

When will the elite pay their share?

Mental health experts have written volumes that are in the public domain and easily accessible, if anyone at the helm is interested. This is an issue that does not seem to be on the priority list of anyone in the corridors of power.

The Iran Imbroglio~I

The situation is tricky for India as well since Iran remains this country's gateway to Eurasia and its energy reserves, through the Chabahar port developed by India in Iran for greater connectivity to Afghanistan and beyond.

Emergency in America

The emergency has swiftly been debunked as “fear mongering for political ends, unlawful, and a violation of the US Constitution” ~ a faint echo of the Emergency that was proclaimed in India in June 1975.

Reluctant Republican

By any reckoning, George Bush was the among the most successful US Presidents in terms of foreign policy, though not remarkably effective when it came to economic and domestic issues.

Former US First Lady Barbara Bush dies at 92

Born on June 8, 1925 in New York, Barbara Pierce -- her maiden name -- was the second woman in the US history to be the wife of one US President and the mother of another, the first being Abigail Adams in the early 19th century.