


Red Carpet

In the realm of global economics, China has long been the magnetic epicentre, drawing in foreign investors with promises of boundless opportunities and unprecedented growth.

Europe’s Economy

In an era marked by geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, Europe finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with a myriad of challenges that threaten to reshape its economic landscape.

Lenin’s Critics

Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95) viewed the 1789 French Revolution as a symbol of the demise of feudalism and inauguration of a bourgeois society which eventually would be dislodged by the socialist revolution.

Media war

The notion that the free flow of information is the best weapon for the USA and Europe against foreign adversaries has been brought into question by the very powers that have championed this thesis globally, at times very patronisingly.

Fair market

The forthcoming EU legislation will have massive consequences for American digital platform companies which have been fighting domestic regulation on the pretext of free speech and the free market.

Medical Education

Over the decades, several medical colleges were set up in the private sector. There were disparities galore in the criteria for admission and fee structure between private and government -funded medical colleges. Judicial intervention, to some extent, moderated the differences in the criteria for admission and fee structure. However, even today large sums of money are spent for admission in many medical colleges indicating that the demand continues

Russia would not supply gas to Europe for free

Peskov also stressed that Moscow was not the initiator of such a development of the situation, since it was the Western states that unleashed an economic war against Russia, RT News reported.