


Caste Dynamics

Caste dynamics often play a pivotal role, especially in a state as politically significant as Uttar Pradesh.

Those Who Do~I

 Perhaps the best antidote to this despair is to study the examples and lives of those who have fought against the odds and succeeded.

The pervasive intrusion of caste

More generally, why are so many who consider themselves ‘secular’ and ‘liberal’ wilfully silent about caste and class privilege? I do not take for granted the few voices that speak out over the weaponisation of religion against Christian, Hindu and minoritarian Muslim sects.

A Caste Count

It sounds legitimate that a caste census would bring to the fore the numbers of individuals who are on the fringes — which should be of much use in democratic policy making. It has been argued that a Socio-Economic caste census would be the most effective method to justify reservation based on evidence. In absence of such enumeration, there is no proper estimate for the OBC population as also various groups within the OBCs.