


Lithium Triangle

In the heart of South America’s desolate landscapes lies a battleground where the forces of progress clash with the guardians of tradition.

Chainsaw at Work

A century ago, Argentina was a model for development - it was ranked among the ten richest countries in the world, after Australia, Britain and the USA, but ahead of France, Germany and Italy. Its per capita income was 92 per cent of the average of the 16 richest economies. Indeed, the Nobel laureate economist Simon Kuznets who gave us the method for measuring GDP had remarked: "There are four kinds of countries in the world: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan and Argentina"

Russell remembered~II

The essential unity of American military, economic, and Cold War policies was increasingly revealed by the sordidness and cruelty of the Vietnam War. Russell thus repeatedly warned the developing nations against the impending danger of developed nations' economic and strategic policies, and how they exploited developing nations for their own development, leaving behind depleted soils, worked-out mines, ravaged forests, and a trail of ecological destruction