


Delhi college with deep Olympic ties

In the national capital, the distance between Mori Gate and Daryaganj should not be more than three to four kilometres. When India's hockey team was chosen for the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics, it included Michael A. Gettle and Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi Senior.


The Union Budget for 2024-25 has sparked significant discussion due to striking resemblance of some provisions to promises made in the Congress party’s 2024 Lok Sabha election manifesto.

Coalition Budget

The first budget of this government marks a critical juncture. For the first time in his political career, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is compelled to navigate the delicate terrain of coalition politics, reflecting a shift from his previous dominance with the BJP’s clear majorities.

Toxic Air

Air pollution in ten Indian cities assumed alarming proportions and was linked to deaths of 33,000 people every year between 2008 and 2019, a study published on 6 July 2024 in the Lancet Planetary Health Journal points out.

Security Failure

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania is a stark reminder of the evolving threats facing public figures in an increasingly polarised political landscape.

The sugar and salt of music

There is no question that Lata’s voice makes a song addictive. How many times have you started to hum a tune without even realizing what you were humming a song by Lata Just like real sugar, it has to be her voice and not just any female voice.

China & Nepal

The expanded trade had not helped Nepal not the least because it contended with a huge deficit. China has now restricted the issue of visas to Nepali traders who have been forced to place orders virtually. Many traders have complained that they have been shortchanged in terms of quality as they had to place orders virtually.

As we wait

Take Uttar Pradesh, the largest, most populous, and arguably most politically significant state of the Union. The Bhartiya Janata Party, one of the two major national parties in India, is projected by all post-poll surveys to be coming back to power (though the predicted margin of victory differs wildly from one survey to the other).

Border Travails~I

Prime Minister Nehru was hardly worried about the protection of our borders that depended on Tibet‘s independence. He did not want to intervene in the internal affairs of another country because he accepted Tibet as part of China. His attitude was exposed in his meeting with the Dalai Lama in 1956. The Dalai Lama‘s escape to India in 1959 and his asylum are usually highlighted. Rarely does the Dalai Lama‘s first meeting with Nehru come into the public domain

Russia might see greater repression

The scale of economic hardship in Russia will also influence public opinion. But a lot will also depend on the Russian state’s capacity and willingness to repress dissent at home and continue to control the narrative. We’ll see economic problems and the deaths of Russian soldiers continue to be blamed by the Kremlin on the West.