

Matthew Arnold

Education post-Covid

Initial data indicates that the impact of the pandemic on elementary education would be profound and would require out-of-the-box policy making. We are already facing a depressed economic scenario and encountering lay-offs, job losses, and a freeze of fresh employment. It is universally accepted that the first casualty of an economic crisis the world over is elementary education since the challenged population tends to sacrifice education of children and divert them for gainful employment.

Equity in education

One of the key parameters of equity in our higher education institutions rests on the twin objectives of ensuring access to institutions by the socially backward sections through reservation of seats and then to augment that inclusion by offering scholarships under various categories to partly buffer the cost of education entailed due to payment of fees, transportation costs, etc.

Quality of Learning

Soon after being appointed as the Chief Inspector of Schools in England in 1884, Matthew Arnold, while visiting a school…