

Korean war

NAM Redux?

While India will seek ‘strategic independence‘ it will simultaneously seek connection and engagement with all and sundry, cutting across varied and competing ‘blocs‘. China as the master of realpolitik has demonstrated the real value in keeping its own gunpowder dry and in quietly increasing its own stockpile when its rivals (US and Russia) were busy burning their own resources to no good use in the battlefields of the Middle East, Afghanistan or even Ukraine

Kim’s bluster

Ever since it assumed office in May, the Yoon government has strengthened Seoul’s military alliance with the United States

Korea versus Korea

A spokesman for the general staff of the North Korean People’s Army said troops would be sent to “resume all kinds of regular military exercises” at the two sites. Both projects have been closed for several years, but were once symbols of inter-Korean unity that many hoped would be strengthened as cross-border ties improved.

Realistic fantasies in Korean détente

Seoul’s Unification Ministry sent 200 metric tons of tangerines to Pyongyang in return for the two tons of pine mushrooms that North Korean chief Kim Jong-un shipped to the South after September’s inter-Korean summit.